Workshops for teenagers (PL)
Discovering the Virtual
9.06 (Saturday), 12.00
MOCAK Beta Gallery
Led by: KonstancjaNałęcz-Nieniewska and Krakow Photomonth volunteers: Kornelia Kiszewska, Marcin Krotla
We invite young people to take part in workshops centred on the Salvator Vitale exhibition. The artist explores the mysteries of cyberspace, the omnipresent Internet services, and social media, as using them requires constant reflection and trust between man and machine. During the meeting the participants will visit an interactive installation, and in the workshop part, they will tap into their own experience with the topic.
Registration fee: 7 PLN
Space is limited, reservations are required:
Konstancja Nałęcz-Nieniewska is a cultural studies and sociology graduate. Her passion is acting and costume design. She is an education specialist at the MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow.