book presentation (PL)
Fragile Medium: Conversations on Photography, Maciej Frąckowiak
23.06 (Saturday), 2 p.m.
Festival Centre (Tytano)
Meeting participants: Maciej Frąckowiak, Joanna Gorlach
The book consists of 13 interviews about photography and change, which Maciej Frąckowiak conducted with Konrad Pustoła, Krzysztof Pijarski, Mariusz Forecki, Bogusław Biegowski, Cecylia Malik, Wojciech Wilczyk, Agnieszka Pajączkowska, Anna Beata Bohdziewicz, Katarzyna Czarnota, Paweł Szypulski, Krzysztof Miller, Michał Szlaga, and Adrian Wykrota. The interviews are summarised with a text written by Rafał Drozdowski.
“In the interviews conducted by Maciej Frąckowiak, nobody is advising anything to anybody, nor is there any teaching here. Everybody talks about themselves, and occasionally about photography, or vice versa. The true topic of the conversations is neither the technical aspects of photography, nor its aesthetics or the ‘essence,’ nor the stories of the photographers. The true reason behind the meetings and the perspective from which the photographs and projects are discussed is their performativity – their causative potential understood as the capacity of photography to change the world in certain respects.”
Rafał Drozdowski
Maciej Frąckowiak (b. in 1985) – a sociologist interested in forms of social activity and inactivity in cities, education in culture, and image, which he looks at as a tool and pretext for studies and changing social relations. Author of texts, curator and initiator of activities in these areas.