book presentation (PL)
Gratitude, Alicja Długołęcka, Tamara Pieńko
30.05 (Wednesday), 18.00
Festival Centre (Tytano)
Participants: Alicja Długołęcka, Tamara Pieńko
Gratitude is a personal project that was created at a time of very profound changes in both of us, and as with any activity pursued with full commitment, it had no pre-determined course, except that it involved face-to-face meetings with women who were revealing their corporeality through photographs taken during photographic sessions (Tamara) and shared their stories by talking to me (Alicja). From the very start, we both felt an internal imperative to go ahead with the project. The peace and trust of the participants who shared their corporeality with us through images and words kept us convinced that we were right, and afforded us unbelievable strength and commitment to complete the project.
Thus, Gratitude is, on the one hand, about intimate revealing of corporeality, and on the other, about discovering the boundaries determined by careful exploration of one’s emotions, contacting one’s body in secure conditions: with no evaluating observer present, and with no intention to please anyone, or to apply any formal regime. We watched and listened, not making any presumptions or requiring any creation. We accepted what we were getting from the female corporeal presence with affection and gratitude.
Alicja Długołęcka –Doctor of Humanities, sexual educator, relationship counsellor.
Tamara Pieńko – photographer, artist, portraitist.