Presentation (EN)
Second Thoughts
16.06 (Saturday), 14.00
Festival Centre(Tytano)
Meeting participants: Stefan Guenther, Lewis Bush
This series of publications, published by n-ost and FROH!, investigates the role of journalism.
For the first issue of SecondThoughts, the two media NGOs n-ost and FROH! brought together journalists, photographers, and photo editors from Eastern and Western Europe. The result was six moderated talks, two essays, and twelve outstanding photographs on terms that play a recurring role in current debates: patriotism, propaganda, fake news, and others.
The second issue will come out in May and will once again test different forms of reporting—both text-based and visual-based. The regional focus this time is Ukraine.
Lewis Bush is a photographer, writer, curator and educator. After studying history at the University of Warwick and working as a researcher with the United Nations, he began to practise as a documentary photographer in 2012. Through his activities he seeks to draw attention to many forms of power that operate in the world. His projects often incorporate writing, and he has also published extensively on photography for a range of print and web titles. Between 2011 and 2016 he published Disphotic, a blog on photography and visual culture.
Stefan Guenther works as a picture editor for n-ost (, a German organisation which deals with foreign reporting, especially from Eastern Europe. Also part of variouspublishing and workshopprojects which question the role of photojournalism and the image of Eastern Europe.